2016 Islam and Democracy Forum: Islam Democracy & Leadership, The Bandung Experience in Creating a Smart Collaborative and Happy City
The 2016 Islam and Democracy Forum, a series of lectures organized by the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID) and the UP Law Center with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), held its opening lecture at the GT Toyota Center, UP Diliman on August 9.
The keynote speaker, Hon. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil, Mayor of Bandung City, delivered the lecture, “Islam, Democracy, and Leadership: The Bandung Experience in Creating a Smart, Happy City.”
IQ2 Debate: Democracy is Not for Everyone
Speaking for the affirmative at the FODI debate were Ambassador MK Bhadrakumar, a Former Ambassador for India to Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Russia among other countries, Professor Carmen Lawrence, former Premier of Western Australia and Professor Greg Craven, Vice-Chancellor of Australian Catholic University and an expert in public law.
For the negative were Professor John Keane, an Australian born author and academic who is Professor of Politics at the University of Westminster and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democracy which he founded, Dr Michael Wesley, Executive Director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy and former Professor of International Relations and Director of the Griffith Asia Institute at Griffith University and Amina Rasul-Bernardo, Lead Convenor of the Philippine Council on Islam and Democracy (PCID) a former Presidential advisor, and a noted peace and human rights advocate.
Short Feature on Radicalization Conference
Across Borders with Dr Farish – Episode 3: Malaysia – Philippines
Dr Farish examines the clampdown on the marine border between Malaysia and the Philippines. He finds that people on both sides are paying the price for an armed incursion into Sabah. It’s an area where Dr Farish spent part of his childhood, so this story is personal for him.
Across Borders with Dr Farish has won “Best Documentary Series” (International Affairs) at the New York Festivals 2015.