PublicationsMindanao Summit on Disaster Risk Reduction & Geo-Hazard Awareness

Mindanao Summit on Disaster Risk Reduction & Geo-Hazard Awareness
The Mindanao Summit on Disaster Risk Reduction and Geo-Hazard Awareness, held in Dynasty Court Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City on February 18 and 19, 2012, was convened by Senators Koko Pimentel and Senator TG Guingona to address three goals: (1) heighten awareness among the leaders and stakeholders of Mindanao on geo-hazards and address the issue of disaster risk reduction; (2) to elevate stakeholders’ attention to Mindanao’s vulnerabilities to both man-made and natural calamities and provide inputs for formulating action steps to strengthen preparedness at all levels; and (3) to enable stakeholders to assess the availability of resources for implementing disaster risk reduction programs and identifying opportunities for joint action with external funding sources.
The two-day summit was composed of informative and educational presentations by experts/resource persons and practitioners from various scientific and governance fields and workshop/plenary sessions. There were over 360 national, local, and international participants with multidisciplinary backgrounds but with a common interest in improving DRR in the country. The participants included LGU officials – Provincial Governors, City Mayors, and Municipal Mayors of the Island of Mindanao;
religious leaders; representatives from Mindanao-based environmental NGOs and Academe; and officials of different National Government agencies including, but not limited to, the NDRRMC and the Climate Change Commission.
The summit was jointly supported by the Government of Australia, through its Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), which provided grant funding for majority of the activity’s requirements and the Offices of Senators Pimentel and Guingona. The implementation team comprised of the Philippine Center for Islam and Democracy (PCID), which served as the summit administrator, headed by its lead convenor, Ms. Amina Rasul; Dean Antonio La Viña of the Ateneo School of Government, who served as summit moderator; Ms. Arlene Donaire, who was conference director and lead for report preparation and publication editor; the national and regional staff of Senators Pimentel and Guingona, led by Atty. Erick Balmes and Ms. Mary Ann Mendoza who managed the event. Key partners providing technical resources for the summit were the University of the Philippines – Diliman, Xavier University, Manila Observatory, and government agencies such as the NDRMCC, DSWD, PAG-ASA, and NEDA. Law student-volunteers from the Xavier University provided technical secretariat support.