PublicationsPCID Reports: Muslim Religious Unite 2010

Link: PCID Report Muslim Religious Unite 2010
Muslim Religious Unite
Proceedings of the Third National Ulama Summit of the Philippines
It was an end and a beginning.
The Third National Summit of the Ulama of the Philippines, held in Davao City from January 25-28, 2010, represented a culmination of a very difficult but successful Empowering the Ulama of the Philippines project. The project, started in 2007 by the Magbassa Kita Foundation, Inc. (MKFI) and the Philippine Council for Islam and Democracy (PCID), has succeeded in providing a platform, through the National Ulama Conference of the Philippines (NUCP) for the unification of the different Ulama and Ulama organizations in the Philippines. The 3rd Ulama Summit, in fact, saw the participation of 150 organizations from Isabela to TawiTawi making NUCP truly national in scope.
But the Third Ulama Summit also represented the beginning of a challenging road ahead for the NUCP. The end of the three-year project signified a critical stage in the NUCP’s young life as an organization. Will it be able to sustain its initial gains? Or will it fall by the wayside just like what happened to previous attempts at establishing a national network? These are questions that the Ulama
need to answer.
The 2010 Summit adopted the theme, “A Common Word towards a Common Peace,” which is an indication of the commitment of the Ulama to working together and vigorously for peace in their communities and their realization that such efforts requires reaching out to peacemakers of other faiths in a meaningful dialog.