NewsARMM Women Against Violent Extremism: PCID and ICAN conduct dialogue with ARMM Women Leaders

31 May 2017 / 0 Shares / by


Ms. Sanam Anderlini of ICAN discussed the importance of gender in the fight against violent extremism. According to her, her organization have trained and empowered women for rehabilitation and de-radicalization. They also have efforts on re-framing faith and jihad, since extremist groups have been co-opting feminist narratives to propagate the ideology that submission is power. Ms. Holmes then discussed the importance of leveraging, coordinating, and strengthening local organizations for more inclusive projects, instead of bringing in international organizations unfamiliar with the community.

The first question asked by the ARMM Women Leaders is about the role of CSOs in addressing the issue of violent extremism. According to PCID President Ms. Amina Rasul, preventive efforts have been done even before the popularization of the term “extremism”. Even during the times when the issue has been labeled as “radicalization”, CSOs have partnered with women as mediators and peacemakers. Another question on the culture of silence and the mechanisms to prevent violent extremism was also raised. This question was answered by Ms. Sanam, where she stated that spaces for listening should be created and provided for all citizens, especially for the youth, which are now feeling excluded and marginalized due to their socio-economic conditions. In the face of highly militarized and securitized responses, Ms. Sanam also suggested addressing the economic conditions of conflict areas, since it poverty and inequalities can create humiliation, anger, and frustration, which are then used by extremist groups to bolster their ranks.

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